Base64 and Url Encoding Tool

What this does

This is a two-way conversion tool for encoding and decoding:

Enter your input after selecting the type of conversion you want to perform. If your browser supports it, the Copy Result button will automatically copy the result to your clipboard. If not, it will give you a quick way to copy the result from a popup window.

The Base64 string can also be created by dragging a file into the input field. Without uploading anything to a server, all of these conversions take place on your browser!

Base64 and URL Encoding

Base64 is a popular computer data encoding system that converts binary data into text. It can encode up to 64 characters from one byte of binary data.

It's popular because it's simple, easy to use, and works across multiple platforms.

URL Encoding is a computer networking convention that converts a URL into its corresponding Uniform Resource Locator (URL). It is typically used to encode a web address so it can be stored in a byte string.

Base64 Encoding and Decoding

Base64 Encoding and Decoding is a process of converting binary data into a human-readable format. The Base64 algorithm is a way to encode binary data in an ASCII string of 64 characters.

It has been used in various functions, such as email attachments, HTML, URLs, and transmitting sensitive information. Browsers support encoding and decoding of Base64 files.

Base64 encoding can also be used to ensure the safe transfer of any kind of content over the internet by using URL encoding or sending an email attachment with encoded data.

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