Encrypt Text into an Image

A picture can be generated as a representation of the text you write with this free online tool. The generated image can be saved and sent to anyone who can convert it back to text on this same page. You can also use this tool to fit a lot of text  in a small image.

Convert Text to Image

Write something and click on Encode!

Or click here to get some Lorem ipsum


The image will appear in the box below (it's very small..).  Right click on the image and "Save image as" to save the image.

Download it
(Right Click + 'Save image as')

Convert Image to Text

Upload a png file created with this page

Note: Encrypting this way is not really secure.

An encrypted image is an encrypted file in an image format. The image can be decrypted with the correct encryption key.

Using encrypted images is a way of storing and sharing sensitive information because they are not searchable on the internet. This makes it difficult for someone else to find and view your photo unless you give them a copy of your encrypted image - no matter how hard they try or how many computers or programs they use, it will remain difficult to find.

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