Daily Caloric Need Calculator

Your Basal Metabolic Rate is:


Daily Caloric Need Based on Activity Level:


Activity Level Description
Very Light Mostly sitting
Light Mostly standing or walking such as teaching or lab work
Moderate Physical jobs such as landscaping or maintenance or physical activity for 2 hrs/day
Heavy Heavy manual labor such as construction or physical activity for 4 hrs/day
Very Heavy Moderate to hard physical activity for 8 hrs/ day

Calorie needs vary depending on factors such as age, gender, and weight. A person's calorie needs also depend on the activity level they're doing and whether or not they're trying to gain or lose weight.

Based on these factors and the average calorie intake for a person of a specific age and gender, we can conclude that an average woman who exercises 2 hours per day should consume around 1160 calories.

What is a Calorie Need?

The calorie need is defined as the number of calories a person needs to eat or drink per day to maintain a healthy weight.

It can also be understood as the amount of energy a person needs to be active. This is different from exercise, which uses energy and leads to weight loss. Key nutrients such as protein, fat, and carbohydrate need to be taken into consideration when determining your calorie needs.

The number of calories a person needs to consume depends on their age, sex, and amount of daily activity.

Most people need 2,000-2,500 calories a day for energy - but this varies from person to person.

In order to make sure that you are getting enough nutrition and balancing your caloric intake with exercise, it is important that you calculate your macronutrients - protein, carbs, and fat - as well as water intake.

What does it mean to be in a Caloric Deficit?

To create a caloric deficit, one should eat fewer calories than they expend. This is accomplished by taking in fewer calories from food and beverages and increasing the amount of time you spend being active.

A caloric deficit can result in weight loss, increased muscle mass, increased bone density, lower risk of osteoporosis, lower blood pressure levels, better cholesterol profiles, slower aging processes, and increased life expectancy. However, there are risks associated with burning too many calories.

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