Triangle Area Calculator (When Given 3 Sides)

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Square or Rectangle Area Calculator

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Cubic Surface Area Calculator

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A triangle is a polygon with three sides. A triangle can be equilateral, isosceles, or scalene. A scalene triangle has three sides of different lengths which are not all equal to each other. An equilateral triangle is perfectly symmetrical and has three equal lengths. An isosceles triangle also has two equal lengths.

A square is a four-sided, closed figure with right angles. A square has length and width that are equal, making it one of the most basic shapes. 

A rectangle is a quadrilateral with its opposite sides equal and angles that are all ninety degrees. 

A cube is defined as a geometric solid with six square-based faces. A cube is often used in geometry classes to teach students how to determine the surface area of various geometric shapes, by adding up all the squares of the edges.

A cuboid is a rectangular prism with 6 quadrilateral faces. It has 8 vertices and 12 edges.

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