Base64 encoding is a string of characters that represent binary data. It consists of 64 characters. A base64-encoded string can be converted back to binary data by using the reverse function.
Base 64 is an encoding standard for machine-readable data, typically used for transferring or storing computer data in a manner that allows cross-platform exchange of data between systems with different character encodings.
Base64 provides a way for humans to read and write text-based data in binary format by using only the characters A-Z, a-z, 0-9, +, /.-
- Encrypt your email messages with this tool
- Encode messages and files in your inbox so they can be read and/or edited on other devices
A base64 encoded binary file, also known as an image, is formatted in such a way that it can be encoded and decoded using the base64 algorithm.
Many text-based data formats will use base64 encoding and decoding in order to transmit and store data.
This algorithm is used in many scenarios, such as:
Base64 encoding algorithm is a one-way algorithm that converts binary data into a Base64 representation.
When you encode a string using the base 64 encoding algorithm, you will get a character set of letters and numbers. This character set can be represented in an array of bytes. The number of characters in the string minus 1 determines the number of bytes in the resulting array.
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