AES-GCM Encryption & Decryption Tool

Text: Password:

Encrypted Text: Password:

What is AES GCM?

AES GCM is a block cipher that has been designed to provide encryption and decryption of data that has been encoded with the AES algorithm.

The AES-GCM algorithm combines the benefits of the following:

-The efficiency and simplicity of Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode encryption,

-The security of Galois/Counter Mode (GCM) encryption,

-The ability to interface with other systems which use CBC mode such as IPsec or TLS.

How AES GCM Affects You and Your Business

AES GCM is a data protection and data security measure.

AES GCM is one of the most widely used cryptographic algorithms in the world. It protects sensitive information, such as credit card numbers or bank information, from being intercepted by cybercriminals and makes sure that it can’t be decrypted.

AES GCM has been implemented in various industries to protect sensitive information, such as medical records or financial transactions. Companies like Facebook and Instagram use AES GCM to protect users’ data on their platform and it also protects classified government documents from being stolen by hackers.

Encrypting & Decrypting Data with AES

Data encryption and decryption is a process of transforming data into an unreadable form to prevent unauthorized access and then reverting it to its original form. Encrypting data provides protection from unauthorized access because the encrypted text appears as a meaningless sequence of characters.

Encryption is a technique that converts information into a form that cannot be understood by anyone except for the person who has encrypted it with a key. AES stands for Advanced Encryption Standard and it has been the most preferred encryption algorithm in the world since 2001.

AES is a symmetric key cipher, meaning that identical keys are used to encrypt and decrypt data. This ensures that keys must be secure, as otherwise the same key can be used to decrypt any message encrypted using this system, without access to the original key.

How AES GCM Encryption Works

AES GCM is a newer encryption mode on the block. It's a mode that offers more protection for encrypted data than the previous modes.

AES GCM stands for "Advanced Encryption Standard, Galois/Counter Mode" and is more secure than its predecessors. AES GCM operates on 128-bit blocks of data at a time, encrypting them with help from an authentication tag, or more commonly called an integrity check value (ICV). The ICV is computed by combining the AES block cipher with another cryptographic key called the GHASH subkey.


AES GCM is an encryption algorithm that stands for Advanced Encryption Standard Galois Counter Mode. It is a mode of operation for block ciphers that encrypts the data in chunks of 128 bits, using a key with the same length as the output size of the block cipher.

ATSC is an encryption algorithm that stands for Advanced Television Systems Committee. It was established by the US-based National Television Standards Committee (NTSC) to develop standards for digital television broadcasting in North America, Japan, and other areas where NTSC was used.

CFB stands for Cipher Feedback Mode and it can either be used in conjunction with a block cipher or with a stream cipher like RC4.

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