Online Encoder/Decoder Tool



Understanding Encoding and Decoding

Encoding and decoding is a term used in information theory, as well as computer science and mathematics, to describe the method by which symbols from one language are translated into symbols in another language.

In the context of data storage and transmission, encoding is a process that transforms serial data into a code that can be transmitted or stored by a machine.

Decoding is then the reverse process of transforming codes back into their original form.

The following is an example of an encoding: "HELLO" + 3 = "H3LLO"

What is Encoding and How does it Work?

Encoding is the process of converting data from its original format into a text string.

The process is done by using a specific algorithm that is used to convert the data into a readable format for humans or machines. The basic procedure always involves removing all spaces and symbols before encoding begins, which makes it easier for computers to read and write text.

For example, if we have a sentence with spaces in it, the encoding will remove the spaces so that it becomes harder for computers to read or write.

What is Decoding? How does it Work?

Decoding helps to translate the text from one language to another. It is the process of converting encoded messages into readable text.

Decoding is the process of converting text, or string, from one language into another. Decoding helps to translate the text from one language to another. It is done by computer software or a person who knows the two languages.

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